All publications listed below are available for purchase at the Museum or here online.
STAYING PUT IN LINCOLNVILLE MAINE 1900-1950 by Diane Roesing O'Brien $25.00
In Diane Roesing O'Brien's Staying Put in Lincolnville, Maine 1900-1950 the author follows the fortunes of our little coastal town through two world wars, the Depression, and all the enormous changes those fifty years brought. Horses are traded in for gasoline-power, kerosene lamps for light bulbs, and one-room schools are finally consolidated. Subsistence farming gives way to contracts with big poultry concerns, and the mariner's way of life disappears completely. The heart of the book are the seventy-seven family stories, true to the events that life-long townspeople related to the author and placed in settings meant to illustrate the way life was. Town reports, the U.S. Census, letters, diaries and other sources are used to discuss issues such as the school system, political movements, and road building in essay form. Staying Put has 344 pages with hundreds of photos, maps, drawings, and charts, soft-cover. Click on the images below for a closer look.

Ducktrap: Chronicles of a Maine Village by Diane Roesing O’Brien, 1995, tells the story of Ducktrap, located within Lincolnville, at the mouth of the Ducktrap River. The book includes the writings of those who’ve lived there, interviews, photographs and drawings. Hand-drawn maps pinpoint where events took place.
"There may be a better regional history somewhere in North America, but I certainly haven't come across it. This is a remarkable book: utterly charming, gracefully written, wonderfully illustrated with period photographs and artwork, line drawings, maps, genealogical records - a thumbnail history of one small Maine town that could stand in for hundreds, maybe thousands of other small towns, but which was and is unique to those fortunate enough to live there..."
-Downeast Magazine, December 1995
Ducktrap has 126 pages and is lavishly illustrated with photos, maps and drawings. To look inside Ducktrap, click on the images below.
DICKY DUCK by Dorothy Hardy Santi $10.00
This children’s book tells the story of three Lincolnville farm children, Swiss, Charlie and Dot, and their pet duck. The children lived with their parents, Si and Lil Hardy, on Youngtown Road during the 1930’s. Dorothy "Dot" told the story to her children, and at their urging many years later, published it. Her daughter, Laura, illustrated it.
These "scrapbook histories" provide a general view of Lincolnville from the time of settlement in 1770 into the 20th century. Author Jacqueline Young Watts collected family stories, anecdotes, and photographs to assemble these volumes. As these books sold out years ago, we have only used copies available.
Willard "Swiss" Hardy has written this memoir of his life in Lincolnville; all of it, so far, has been spent on Youngtown Road on the farm where he was born. 38 pages
HOW WE GOT THERE FROM HERE by Virginia Thorndike $15
Virginia Thorndike has written the story of transportation in the Maine of our grandparents. This volume, published by Downeast Books, includes interviews with several Lincolnville people.
The three nieces of David Nichols -- lifelong Lincolnville Beach resident, Maine Supreme Court Judge, and well-known figure in the Camden-Lincolnville area – have transcribed and written commentaries on his childhood diaries. The spiral bound book contains many photos from the Nichols family album.
LINCOLNVILLE PROFILES: a 200th BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION edited by Sheila Polson $15.00
Over 70 interviews with Lincolnville people to celebrate the town’s Bicentennial in 2002. Edited by Shelia Polson. See the table of contents listing the interviewees here.
The following books are available as photocopies on 3-hole punch paper, unbound; they are printed to order. $100 each. Contact us for details on availability and shipping.
Lincolnville Births-Deaths-Marriages. This volume includes photocopies of the original records alongside a typed transcript of each record. All existing records up to 1892 are included, along with an every name index. Birth and death records are spotty, but the marriages and marriage intentions are complete.
Heal/Heald Genealogical Workbook describes the Maine descendants of Peter Heal (circa 1700-1748) written in 1988 by Isabel Morse Maresh, after ten years' research. The purpose of the book was to put together the descendants of the four Heal brothers, Abner, Isaac, John and Chesley, who were among the first settlers of Lincolnville, Maine. They came to Lincolnville shortly after the Revolutionary War. Abner was a member of the board of selectmen of the new settlement. Their descendants are scattered over the United States. Some have added a "d" to the name. The book is copyrighted, with copies in the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. It has over 600 photos in it.
The Scotch-Irish Descendants of John Lermond ~ 1719-1992, from Ireland to Milton, Massachusetts, and on to Damariscotta, Maine, was published in 1992 by sisters, Isabel Morse Maresh and Annie Morse Cilley. The sisters had been independently researching for Lermond descendants for over fifteen years. In 1992, they compiled their data. Isabel wrote letters, phoned descendants, corrected data and pasted photos, while Annie put the data into the computer, formatted for photos, and did an Index. At the time, the sisters lived more than 100 miles apart. In June 1992, a Lermond reunion was held with over 100 descendants attending. The Lermonds descend from Capt. John Lermond, whose wife and mother were killed by Indians in 1747 in what is now Damariscotta (Maine). The book has 741 pages, an every-name Index, with over 1700 photos. The photos cost over fifteen dollars per book in the first run of 100 books. The book is copyrighted with copies in the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.
Young Genealogical Workbook, by Isabel Morse Maresh, Jacqueline Young Watts and Donald Young, centers around Gideon and Jemima (Cilley) Young who settled in Camden, Maine, during the late 1770's or early 1800's.
All of the Youngs in this workbook are either their ancestors or descendants. The ancestors date back to John Young (1651-1697) of Exeter, New Hampshire, from which Gideon derived from, down 13 generations to the present. It includes many persons of Young heritage but of different sir-names. Some of the older family names of the Camden-Lincolnville, Maine, areas are the Fernalds, Halls, Hardys, Heals, Knights, Moodys, Mannings, Richards, Wadsworth and many more.
Gideon was born in Kingston, New Hampshire, in 1738, married Jemima Cilley in 1761. They lived in Bristol, Maine, where they bought and sold various properties and produced many offspring. Their last child was born in Camden, Maine, in the 1780's. They also bought and sold land in Camden, some of which was located on the ocean near the Sherman Point Road. Most of the children of Gideon settled in Lincolnville, Maine (then called Canaan). Over the years the descendants have been back and forth between the coast and the backcountry. Many of the descendants were farmers, carpenters, woodsmen, fishermen, and sailors.
Anyone with information on the burial place and death date of Gideon Young, please contact us.
There are many of you that have been charted back to Gideon and Jemima Young, and there are many of you who belong in this book but we lack your input of information to include you.
Our aim is to put this family on record so that we can generate your interest to add, update, correct, and criticize or to simply enjoy our efforts.
We hope that the information is correct, but we know that errors can creep in from transposing. Reading microfilms can be difficult. Also, when we started, the intent was learning who we were and where we belonged. There was no thought of publishing, or worry about documentation. Names given at birth, those shown on census records, at the time of marriage, births of children and on death certificates may vary, as well as dates from one record to another.
This book is meant to be a 'working workbook' for all those enthused Young relatives who want to be a part of our long-line heritage. The information given can be a stepping-stone towards verification for the more serious-minded genealogist.